
定义和用法.http-equiv属性提供了content属性的信息/值的HTTP头。http-equiv属性可用于模拟一个HTTP响应头。,Thehttp-equivattributeprovidesanHTTPheaderfortheinformation/valueofthecontentattribute.Thehttp-equivattributecanbeusedtosimulatean ...,Ifthehttp-equivattributeisset,theelementisapragmadirective,providinginformationequivalenttowhatcanbegivenbya ...Viewportmetatag·Standardmetadatanam...

HTML meta http-equiv 属性

定义和用法. http-equiv 属性提供了content 属性的信息/值的HTTP 头。 http-equiv 属性可用于模拟一个HTTP 响应头。

HTML meta http-equiv Attribute

The http-equiv attribute provides an HTTP header for the information/value of the content attribute. The http-equiv attribute can be used to simulate an ...

<meta>: The metadata element - HTML

If the http-equiv attribute is set, the <meta> element is a pragma directive, providing information equivalent to what can be given by a ... Viewport meta tag · Standard metadata names · Meter · Metadata

小白網頁設計練成記-DAY8-淺談META TAG

HTML meta http-equiv 屬性提供網頁標頭(HTML head)關於網頁的內容屬性資訊,例如網頁自動更新、網頁內容編碼、優先樣式... 等,都可以透過HTML meta http-equiv ...


< meta http-equiv=x-dns-prefetch-control content=on>. 說明:以HTTP來說他會先去預載底下< a>超連結標間的DNS連結,而https需要加上這句才會 · < title>Document. 說明 ...

You probably don't need http-equiv meta tags

In this post I'll share what the HTML spec says about http-equiv, how sites are actually using it in the wild, and argue why you probably don't need http-equiv ...

Meta tags explained: http-equiv and charset - html

The second one is better, since it's more concise. It was standardized that way in HTML5. As for the tags ending in /> : It makes no ...

html meta基本語法

name主要作為描述,http-equiv則會與瀏覽器產生作用。 a.Expires(期限). 設定網頁的到期時間,只要過期,就必須重新傳輸。 <meta http-equiv ...

meta http-equiv=refresh – “refresh” pragma directive

Indicates that the meta element is a pragma directive that specifies either a number of seconds after which to reload the current page, or a number of seconds ...

HTML meta http-equiv 屬性

HTML meta http-equiv 屬性提供網頁標頭(HTML head)關於網頁的內容屬性資訊,例如網頁自動更新、網頁內容編碼、優先樣式... 等,都可以透過HTML meta http-equiv 屬性來 ...